“Camp Hideout,” the debut film from Christian production company Called Higher Studios, premieres in theaters on Friday.
The film features several well-known actors, including Christopher Lloyd, Corbin Bleu and Amanda Leighton. It was also produced by Phillip Glasser, known for “An American Tail” and “The Illusionist.”
According to the movie’s website, it tells the story of Noah, a troubled teen who seeks refuge at what Christian Headlines describes as a Christian summer camp.
The family-friendly comedy joins a number of films that have recently broken through the darkness of dissolute Tinseltown, including “Sound of Freedom” and “Journey to Bethlehem.”
Called Higher Studios, which launched in 2019, calls itself “the world’s first Christian fan-owned movie studio.”
“Our mission is to produce quality faith based content that spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ,” the studio’s website says. “WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD THROUGH CONTENT but we can’t do it alone.”
In a video describing the purpose of Called Higher, CEO Jason Brown cited Christ’s command in Mark 16:15 to “go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
Called Higher uses a crowdfunding model similar to Angel Studios’, according to Relevant magazine, and has received financial support from thousands who share its vision.
Brown explained to Christian Headlines how “Camp Hideout” was able to attract such big-name actors.
“Christopher Lloyd thought it was a great script, and wanted to be a part of it and played such a great character. Corbin did, too, as well as Amanda Leighton,” he said.
“I think it’s a testament to the script and the storytelling that those actors wanted to be a part of it.”
While filming did face disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, things resumed smoothly.
“I always joke and say we had a three-year plan and COVID hit and we just had to hit pause,” Brown said.
“So we basically paused life for a year and then kind of got back on track. Movies inherently take a long time to put together. … But this one worked out really well.”
The post ‘World’s First Christian Fan-Owned Movie Studio’ Cuts In on Hollywood with Family Comedy About Bible Camp appeared first on The Western Journal.
This content was originally published here.