Sunday, January 19, 2025

LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) – With Christmas less than a week away, many people are rushing to get last minute gifts, boosting the local economy.

Some business owners are saying their Christmas sales are what helps get them through the upcoming slow months.


Stores are full of last minute shoppers and this is good news for local businesses.

Jose Vazquez owns Joses’ Boss’s Shoppe inside Lawton’s central mall. He said it’s been a rough few years, first they had to deal with Covid and now the economy is impacting his sales.

“This time of the year it’s approximately right at a third of my sales normally through this month, this being a non typical year with the economy the way it is, it has affected myself along with quite a few other small businesses,” said Vazquez.

Eddie Hamra with Edwards Men’s Wear said the amount of sales done during Christmas can make or break the year.

He said the last 2 weeks before Christmas are the busiest.

“It kind of starts around the 15th of December and at that point you can see the look on their eyes it’s crunch time,” said Hamra.

Kelsey Brenton is usually one of those last minute shoppers but these year she said she did her best to start early.

She also said she noticed a lot more people shopping in store this year.

“I am seeing more people in the stores but also I feel like everything has been honestly wiped out a lot more now than it was, because everyone was doing online,” said Brenton.

Despite the large shopping crowds and long work hours, Hamra said he enjoys seeing all his customers.

“So many of them are repeat customers, first generation, second generation, third generation, and it’s just really fun to feel like part of a family with a family in our store,” he said.

Hamra said he expects to continue seeing more shoppers in the upcoming days.

This content was originally published here.