Thursday, September 19, 2024
Detective Pikachu
Image: The Pokémon Company / Warner Bros. Pictures

We’re now getting updates about video game movies on a regular basis, but one we haven’t heard about for a while is the sequel to Detective Pikachu – so what’s happened?

After the star of the movie Justice Smith claimed a second film was unlikely to happen in 2021, we’ve finally got a new update. According to a Legendary Entertainment rep (via Polygon), this second project is still “in active development”.

Details beyond this remain unknown and The Pokémon Company also reportedly declined to comment when asked about its involvement in the second film or related projects. The writers of the original film have also mentioned in more recent times how they would love to be involved in a sequel.

A Detective Pikachu sequel was first mentioned in 2019, with suggestions at the time it was in the early stages of development.

A film sequel isn’t the only thing on the cards, either. In the second half of last year, Switch fans were also reminded of a video game follow-up. While there’s not been much about the second game revealed, a job listing in September 2022 suggested the title was nearing release.

We’re now getting updates about video game movies on a regular basis, but one we haven’t heard about for a while is the sequel to Detective Pikachu – so what’s happened?

After the star of the movie Justice Smith claimed a second film was unlikely to happen in 2021, we’ve finally got a new update. According to a Legendary Entertainment rep (via Polygon), this second project is still “in active development”.


Details beyond this remain unknown and The Pokémon Company also reportedly declined to comment when asked about its involvement in the second film or related projects. The writers of the original film have also mentioned in more recent times how they would love to be involved in a sequel.

A Detective Pikachu sequel was first mentioned in 2019, with suggestions at the time it was in the early stages of development.

A film sequel isn’t the only thing on the cards, either. In the second half of last year, Switch fans were also reminded of a video game follow-up. While there’s not been much about the second game revealed, a job listing in September 2022 suggested the title was nearing release.

Would you be interested in a second Detective Pikachu movie? How about another game? Comment below.

When he’s not paying off a loan to Tom Nook, Liam likes to report on the latest Nintendo news and admire his library of video games. His favourite Nintendo character used to be a guitar-playing dog, but nowadays he prefers to hang out with Judd the cat.

This movie was good, y’all just want something to complain about

Not sure why people thought a sequel wasn’t going to happen. Pokémon makes a ton of cash.

With that being said, the first one was one of the few movies I watched in theaters multiple times. Can’t wait for a sequel.

They should take all the time they need. I want a good sequel that isn’t just some cheap cash grab.

@PBandSmelly I liked the first movie and the game. Both tell completely different stories while still being good.

The first movie was great but if I’m totally honest the story was over we don’t have to return. I hope they have a plan other than successful movies sequels make money. Usually I’m pro sequel but I really can’t find a legitimate reason to continue this specific Pokémon story

First film was fun and I look forward to a sequel and I say that as someone who really doesn’t care about Pokemon game series wise.

At least the visuals will be good eh?!

First film was fun and I look forward to a sequel and I say that as someone who really doesn’t care about Pokemon game series wise.

At least the visuals will be good eh?!

On the other hand, some people are still waiting for the sequel to the game that was announced before the movie was even released XD.

@EaglyTheKawaiiShika Here’s the pitch- Justice Smith and Human Ryan Reynolds meet Clone Ryan-Reynolds Pikachu and go on a new adventure where- plot twist- Team Rocket cloned Original Ryan Reynolds Pikachu when he was on the road. Hilarity ensues.

I mean a sequel is good and all, but I don’t feel like it needed one, it ended pretty well in my opinion.

Another story would be nice.

I mean a sequel is good and all, but I don’t feel like it needed one, it ended pretty well in my opinion.

Another story would be nice.

Yeah, I agree with others here that the first movie had a pretty definitive ending. A sequel should use the same universe but with new characters. Maybe Pikachu gets lost and finds someone else to team up with.

The first film wasn’t the greatest thing, narratively speaking. But I can’t deny it was cool to see Pokemon in “live action”. All of that, plus the world itself, were really well done.

I’d like to see a lot more of that world, but given that it’s been nearly four years, I worry that any kind of sequel might not live up. But I do appreciate the first film for what it was.

The first film wasn’t the greatest thing, narratively speaking. But I can’t deny it was cool to see Pokemon in “live action”. All of that, plus the world itself, were really well done.

I’d like to see a lot more of that world, but given that it’s been nearly four years, I worry that any kind of sequel might not live up. But I do appreciate the first film for what it was.

Something different surely, I didn’t like the cast nor the characters.

If it weren’t for the gross redesigns I’d say this movie is pretty forgettable.

Something different surely, I didn’t like the cast nor the characters.

If it weren’t for the gross redesigns I’d say this movie is pretty forgettable.

@SlashFuture only way I can see the movie legitimately working is if the detective and pikachu part stay separate. Just have another story about the dad, tim and pikachu no body swapping they can’t do it twice without reaching peak arbitrary reasons

I like the movie and the game so I probably may see the second movie too which hopefully a game will be based on it too.

I like the movie and the game so I probably may see the second movie too which hopefully a game will be based on it too.

@EaglyTheKawaiiShika Eh true, but I could see Team Rocket playing into it somehow… Leading into that Live Action Ash adaptation…

I wonder how they’ll even continue the movie because that ending was pretty definitive… but hey, I’d totally watch a sequel if they got a good hook.

this franchise is such an enigma, i feel like it pops in and out of the news just to say how somethings in development and then disappears for a couple years again

I loved this movie. Best release of 2019, better than Endgame!

@Browny Agreed on all points. But i think there is a chance, given the time it’s been, that a new team could craft a better film.
A very very small chance.

Good. I highly enjoyed the original movie, and I’m excited to see what they do for the sequel.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I completely disagree. The cast, characters and world building were all so good that it’d be tough for me to watch a sequel that didn’t include them.

Even if it’s just “remnants of the dad are echoing in Pikachu, and he once again can talk and has the personality”

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I completely disagree. The cast, characters and world building were all so good that it’d be tough for me to watch a sequel that didn’t include them.

Even if it’s just “remnants of the dad are echoing in Pikachu, and he once again can talk and has the personality”

First one is very fun, though a lot of it’s more on the atmosphere and presentation than the plot. I’d definitely be down for a sequel but I’d probably want something more substantive out of it narratively.

First one is very fun, though a lot of it’s more on the atmosphere and presentation than the plot. I’d definitely be down for a sequel but I’d probably want something more substantive out of it narratively.

This time it had better have Danny DeVito.

Why not just make a live action Pokémon movie again, but not rehash the Detective Pikachu cast that pretty much got a closed book ending as it can get. Pokémon is literally a vast world to explore and even Detective Pikachu showed snipets of what was happening in the background

Do we need a sequel? No. Does Marvel need another movie/franchise? No. Let’s face it all the Marvel movies are the same film but different costume. However if it’s entertaining I’m happy to watch Detective Pikachu 2

Do we need a sequel? No. Does Marvel need another movie/franchise? No. Let’s face it all the Marvel movies are the same film but different costume. However if it’s entertaining I’m happy to watch Detective Pikachu 2

Yeah, new 3DS game please 😁

@IceClimbersMain I think its because a few years ago Justice Smith said it was cancelled

I’m more interested in the game. Where the heck is it, I wonder?

What happened to them making a Live Action adaption of the show? I didn’t mind ‘Detective Pikachu’ but I would rather see that than a sequel.

If it is true. I want to see it. Looks fun.

@SlashFuture I kind of want the live action stuff to stay away from Ash. I want a good Pokémon trainer who knows what they are doing. I definitely would like to see team rocket though

how has Sonic had three movies in the time it took them to make a single movie here?

Oh dear God please let this be true. I LOVED the first movie and please I’d like to see more of Eevee this time along with its Evolutions or Eeveelutions. The scene in Howard Clifford’s office was great but I would have liked to have seen more of Flareon there, it was very brief.

Oh dear God please let this be true. I LOVED the first movie and please I’d like to see more of Eevee this time along with its Evolutions or Eeveelutions. The scene in Howard Clifford’s office was great but I would have liked to have seen more of Flareon there, it was very brief.

I am not a Pokemon fan, but I quite liked the film and so did the wife (who hates computer games), so I hope there is a second one.

I am not a Pokemon fan, but I quite liked the film and so did the wife (who hates computer games), so I hope there is a second one.

But Van Wilder isn’t a Pikachu anymore?

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This content was originally published here.